Monthly Archives: August 2009

Hola Papi

It’s Camisk week, and it reminds me how times have changed. Used to be, before the days of age verification, a girl could hang at the Gor Hub for two minutes tops without a collar and get inappropriate IM offers faster than Truth releases new hair.

Being the total princess I am, decided to celebrate the occasion with silks. When last I posted, I was wearing a gorgeous set from Haven.

I was all set for trouble, but no, Solange has to put newness out.


Would it be wrong to change mid flirt? I can wade through prospective asshats with lightening speed. Committing to an outfit? I don’t know. I mean, these two designers collectively hold an embarrassingly large chunk of my inventory.

I gush over Solange all of the time, and she sorta knows it. Her texture work is impeccable, how can I not? What she doesn’t know is that she almost became my baby daddy. I had the pleasure of posing with her and Ely. And I have this pregnancy HUD. And I was thinking, how funny would it be … I mean, she was right there. I couldn’t ask for better breeding ~ her sense of style, her talent, paired with my ability to purchase random objects …

But alas, possibly disturbed by my drooling and general fangirl dork seizure, she TPd away too soon.

Credits: *Solange!* Kadriya silks, Exodi Lily skin, Dernier Cri Cloud II hair, Poetic eyes, Precision nails, !Negko Design Tattoo 70b, LAP Bolly All the Time pose and Distressed texture.

It’s Quiet … Too Quiet

I’ve been too well behaved.


I’ve been so busy helping Ely with the *elymode* launch and working on other projects that I’ve neglected my adventures. I took a break from building and boot worshipping to shop and shoot for a night out.


I broke my promise to lay off the skins in favor of the new release from Exodi. A quick trip to whittle down my Haven gift certificate, plus a few accessories from Tekeli-li and I was ready to return to old tricks. But where? And what? You’ll have to stay tuned, I’m still figuring that one out for myself.


Credits: Exodi Lily skin, Dernier Cri Cloud II hair, PC eyes, Tekeli-li Circe set, Haven Elysi in red, Precision nails, Distressed texture, and LAP Bolly All the Time poses.